Seattle Times web production

In 2016, I worked as I was part of a nimble, digital-first team, breaking early morning news for the region. Along with two Seattle Times copy editors, a reporter and an editor, I was the online producer responsible for story layout, social promotion and homepage editing during the most highly-trafficked hours of the site.

I dedicated each day to creating inviting and artful WordPress build-outs of daily and enterprise stories. I coordinated across teams to gather the assets early and often in each stage of the process. Here’s an example of the kind of build-outs I did to incorporate different types of visual elements, as well as create a nice flow for the reader:
In Seattle art world, women run the show >>

Seattle Neighborhoods Quiz

I developed a “newcomers guide” that would catch the attention of recent transplants to Seattle. As project manager for the quiz, I was responsible for writing content, organization of assets, deadline tracking and social media planning.

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